Since this market is evolving extremely rapid, we are participating to a broadcast channel with permanent updates.

Here is the link to the Industry Updates channel:

The main 7 Criteria to ensure a Cryptocurrency has a chance of survival:

– Participants: Every coins needs a large active growing user base
– Usability: Individual and merchants, we need to be able to spend in order to buy products or services
– Convertibility: being able to change to other cryptocurrencies and or fiat currency
– Unique: Is the coin really unique in its capabilities (i.e. does it need to be a new coin) or is it just more of the same under a different name
– KYC: Know Your Customer. Anonymous coins are not welcome for many upcoming legislations and countries.
– 4AML: Compliance to anti money laundering
– Data Privacy and GDPR compliance !

1 Comment

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  1. Charlie 5 years ago

    Great stuff !!

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